Wednesday, June 14, 2006


Today I printed out the three copies of my thesis that the powers that be asked for. Tomorrow I drop 'em off at the binding place. This was one day I gave up my "Save the Trees - Conserve Paper"-ism and traded it in for "Chop 'em if ya got 'em"-ism. A sad day for the trees. A happy day for the Halley. Also, an anal-retentive day - I spent far too many minutes making sure the pages I just checked were, indeed, still in the same order and hadn't spontaneously shuffled around and developed grape juice stains while my back was turned.

So I'm still going, technically, until it's bound and submitted. But I'm done with the typing/changing/editing part.

Eric took his last final this morning and Sarah finished last week. Poor Christine is still typing away at her thesis until her 3 July due date. As Captain of Team TV, I will be sending her a condolence card for all the hours of quality programming she's going to miss.


At 2:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

gilligans island? fury? lassie? bewitched? bonanza? or are we talking west wing reruns?


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