Saturday, May 27, 2006

Happy Vietnamese Buddha's Enlightenment Day

That would be the Buddha's Enlightenment Day as celebrated in Vietnam. Not Vietnam's own Buddha. I don't think you can do that - have your own Buddha. I should look into that, though, because that might not be a bad thing to have. Sing it with me: Your own... personal... Bu-ddha...

Christine and Sarah are at a Penthouse party with Ali and Alae. And as classy as that sounded, I chose to forgo the $5 bottles of champagne and connotations of objectification, and stayed home to type.

But fear not, gentle readers, for one day (two weeks from now) all this thesis business will be over and I will be out partaking of the sleazy nightlife, as well.


At 10:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love you for your Depeche Mode references.

Yes indeedy.


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