Thursday, September 14, 2006

Hey... I know that accent!

Last night I came across a game on tv - Crows vs Devils.

The Adelaide Crows versus the Melbourne Devils.

Yes, the footy had found me in DC.

I don't have cable yet, so I was flipping through all the channels, then adjusting the rabbit ears as necessary. I can see a game field of some sort and some guys running around with a ball. I'm about to flip the channel (within 0.3 seconds of seeing that's what was on) when I hear "And Adelaide takes possession..."

I made that face that dogs do when they hear something confusing/intriguing/possibly food related, cocking one ear up and looking thoughful. I thought, that couldn't be Adelaide, Australia.

I swear to you, I stood next to that television, holding the rabbit ears (because the optimal spot for reception was in mid-air) for 5 minutes, watching them bounce the ball (that looks like a rugby ball), pass to each other (with underhand volleyball serves) and run around the field (the round shape of a cricket oval) with no padding (like morons).

And then I changed the channel. Even in Melbourne, my interest in watching the footy on tv never lasted more than a few minutes. Still, gave me a smile.

(photo of neither the Adelaide nor Melbourne side)


At 2:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

with international shows like that, what do you need cable for?

At 2:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i've been meaning to ask, why is there a handicapped sign near the word verification?

At 4:56 PM, Blogger Halley said...

Exactly. Who needs cable? she says as she starts going into withdrawal convulsions.

And the handicapped sign, I believe is for those who have vision problems and can't read the wavy word you must verify. So it gives another option (it reads the letters to you out loud). If you're clicking on that icon, you're obviously not just some spam-bot (which is what the word verification is there for to prevent in the first place).

At 5:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Footy in Washington? What in the world...

Missing you guys terribly. Unfortunately I'm not blest with powers of resilience so it's been one sensitive spasm after another.

Walked past Leicester St. a couple of times. It's looking distinctly less glamorous than before.

But in other news it's September, and the trees are shooting again, and the it's warm...

At 1:17 PM, Blogger Paul, Dammit! said...

Um, if one has vision problems, shouldn't the handicapped sign be a little bigger? Come on now, they're being downright mean!

I was thinking of you guys when I heard about Steve Irwin... 2 days ago... we don't get much news out here. Didn't all a' yiz go through his hometown?


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