Friday, September 08, 2006

Division was always my weak suit

At our cousin's wedding this past weekend in Ohio, my dad and I started dancing together. It was lovely. I was even following a little. I have a small problem following. Always have. (This is an issue to be addressed at length in the near future to avoid embarrassing situations at my sister's wedding.)

Now, it wouldn't be that big a deal if A) I knew the steps. I'm more of the "intuitive, self-taught" school of dance. Unless you count my years of jazz and bit of ballet. Which you shouldn't. Because neither one have anything to do with popular slow-dancing with a partner. In fact, it probably made the "leading" problem worse.

But even moreso in the "what's the big deal?" department, B) the person I'm dancing with is also leading. Funny enough, when I want to twirl out, the other person needs to be aware that this is going to happen, pre-twirl. Or you end up with something resembling the choreography from a 4th-grade musical's barn dance scene. Swing your pardner, indeed.

However, my dad is a strong lead and consequently I was following at least 60% of the time. The closest anyone else has come has been about 13%.

So we're dancing along for a good 30, 40 seconds, when the DJ turns it into a kind of marriage contest.
"Please leave the floor if you've been married 1 hour or less." We look at each other and keep dancing. We're having a good time, damn the, DJ.
"Please leave the floor if you've been married a year or less." Still dancing.
"Please leave the floor if you've been married five years or less." More and more couples are leaving the floor. Not us.
"Please leave the floor if you've been married ten years or less." It's like there's someone talking, and we don't particularly care...
We finally left at the fifteen year mark.

As my dad told our family, waiting at the table, "We figured, I've been married 30 years and she's been married zero years. So we split the difference."


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