Saturday, August 26, 2006

a box labelled: Drum, light bulbs, cookie sheet

My unpacking is leading me to many wonderful discoveries. Like:

I kept these awful, awful pants?! Why??? I must have had a plan for them. I'll keep them until I figure out what that was.

The closet looks much bigger until I start to put things in it.

Being 5' tall is terribly convenient for quick measuring.

There is only so long I can avoid cleaning the bathroom.

I accidentally took my grandmother's shredder. And now have two.

I accidentally left a bookshelf at my grandmother's house. And now have one.

Many things are not going to match. And they're going to be very near each other.

I can avoid cleaning the bathroom a little bit longer.


At 10:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

five feet tall! you're all little.

not that i'm not littler and i should not be so excited about your littleness, but no one is ever littler than me! hence the excitement.

At 3:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How much you want to bet I'd like the hideous pants. You know about 60% of my wadrobe are other people's castaway "what the hell was I thinking" items. I know you could never possibly believe this...


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