Friday, May 19, 2006

The answer is: Zahara Jolie-Pitt

2nd place.

We're moving back up the rankings at trivia night. And we only lost by one point this time. *And* there were multiple questions that we got wrong, but someone at the table had the right answer (but got out-voted by She-who-holds-the-pen). So really, if you think about it, we actually won.

The host-dude took great joy in taunting the American team ("Damn Yankees") every time an "Aussie cultural knowledge"-type question was asked. Luckily, the group of fine gentlemen sitting the next table over (not playing) gave us a few key answers. Our resident Aussie (May) is not-so-much a sports person so she couldn't-so-much help on those ridiculous questions. Our resident Aussie-but-refuses-to-be-considered-so-"Because I'm Samoan, damn it! Kiwi, if you must, but NOT Aussie"-player (Alae) was also no help on the sports questions. At one point, when the question was about some motorcycle racing guys, we ended up going with May's answer because she was the only one who could even come up with a name. Of *any* motorcycle racer guy.

Even so, we did pretty well, I think. The best point we won of the night had to be Ali's answer of "They're all cities in which Gilbert and Sullivan musicals are set." Seriously. Christine and Sarah almost won a beer for the true-false section (second and third to last standing), with the rest of the team shouting out answers. Sarah thinks one of the answers they gave was wrong on penguin laws in California. She is almost a Master of the Environment, so she should know. Eric had all his potato wedges and sour cream eaten by our mob, but it didn't hold him back from identifying random hits from the 80s. We all got a few right, a few wrong, and some questions both right and wrong because we offered, like, six different answers for each.

I almost won a beer-related prize (noticing a theme here?) for identifying Levi Strauss (the jeans dude, not the philosopher), but the guy didn't hear me and gave it to someone else. Which is probably better, since I'm not really a "beer person". I have the satisfaction of knowing that my table heard me say it. I also have the satisfaction of having eaten Eric's potato wedges. So, no drama.

Oh, and I drank a local mango beer. (Because yes, I drink "girly" shit like that. Shut up.) Really good, but strangely had on its label a drawing of a naked granny in a metal bath tub. What are they trying to say about my beer?

To my dismay, there were no questions on Dirty Dancing, tofu, or MLA documentation styles - my personal areas of expertise. We'll just have to have another go next week and see what turns up.


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