Thursday, December 29, 2005

Yes, we have no bananas

We're leaving the rainforest today (The Daintree, Cape Tribulation) in the tropical northeast. We're leaving the stupid bugs that fall from the ceiling and land on their backs and can't get up, the rare blue butterflies we've seen three of, and the vivid, strange dreams we all seem to be having here.

On the way out, we're going to try to track down some jakfruit at a roadside stand we heard about. They are delicious, taste like taffy (kinda), and have more calories in one bite than any other fruit on the planet. (We didn't ask how many that was. Do you really want to know when it's that good?)

We're in Cairns for New Years and then fly home on the 3rd.

Remind me to tell you about the sketchy old dude who wanted me to hold a python. "No worries, it's just a baby." Mm-hmm....

UPDATE: To answer your question, jakfruit is very sweet and reminds me of Laffy Taffy, a bit. There are little pods inside that you pop in your mouth, and then spit out the large, smooth pits inside. It is very wet and mushy in the mouth, and the sticky, latexy feel will stay on things like lips and fingers until sucked off. You smoosh it around (like a still-whole baked potato) to see if it's ripe. The whole fruit can get as big as 300 lbs or so, but usually are picked when they're the size of a few human heads.

And no, nothing is better than chocolate.


At 1:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

what is jakfruit? citrus? pineappley? a nut? (better than chocolate?)

At 8:51 AM, Blogger Halley said...

it's kinda citrus-y, but more chewy, less juicy. Heavier.

At 3:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ewwwww...just saw photos....looks like entrails.....


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