Thursday, December 22, 2005

either I've still got my sea legs...

...or I'm drunk. I don't think it's drunk. Not currently, anyway.

We got off the racing yacht this afternoon, a few hours ago. I still feel like I'm swaying. When I was in the shower at our hostel, I swear the building was moving. Is it ridiculous to take sea-sickness pills on land? (The boat actually wasn't that bad most of the time, in that regard.)

Anyway, gotta run, but I wanted to say, no, I did not run the boat aground, nor did I fall overboard, nor did I puke over the side. Because I know those are the charming questions I would get first.

I did drive the boat at one point, though. Very cool. When I looked at the natural harbor between the islands where we pulled into on a map, I was shocked. It was tiny. And yes, there are pictures.

The snorkelling was great. The weather was great. The turtles and stingrays and anemones were great. And my sunburn, that's pretty great, too. (You know you're on vacation when you go through three bottles of 30+ sunblock in three days - and STILL everyone gets sunburned.)

But I can't really complain - I spent my birthday in a bikini, swim shorts, and a sarong. Occasionally, a wet suit, snorkel, and fins were added to that list. Never shoes, though. Amazing for the winter solstice baby, no?

Thankyouthankyouthankyou to everyone who sent me birthday wishes! I promise to respond individually shortly, but I wanted to drop off this quickie post. That, and I'm getting seasick when I look down at the keyboard because I swear the room is moving with the waves in the ocean. Now *that* would be a good trick.

Off to get ice cream and then free beer at the after party for us boat people.


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