Monday, August 01, 2005

Episode 78: Fern Gully... the real thing

I'm in my office, avoiding actually getting down to work. Procrastinate? Me? And now you are my tool for doing so. You should feel used. Very used. Maybe you should take a shower or something. You'll feel better then. I promise.

Saturday morning was quite the adventure.
Announcer voice: Previously on Adventures in Halleyland... As we last left our heroes, they were going on a Friday night pub crawl. Deadweight, Scurvy, and Speedy were celebrating the arrival of new roommate, Chilly, along with friends, Ali and Hamish. After hours of inebriation and sketchy-wee-hours-of-the-morning-pizza, our four made their way back to the apt. They would have to be awake and sober in but a few hours to catch the bus out to the Animal Sanctuary. Would Scurvy's hiccups ever stop? Would Chilly have any idea what time zone she's in? Would Speedy be up before dawn for once in her life? Tune in now to find out the answers to these questions, and more, as we rejoin our heroes on their Saturday morning adventure...

Yeah, so we almost didn't make it. I get woken up by Christine, about 15 minutes before we're supposed to leave. She says, "we're not going, okay?" I say okay and turn back over. But I'm up. For some reason, I'm up. So I go out to the living room and everyone else is just hanging out. I'm like, I thought the reason we weren't going is because you were all going back to bed??? No. Just wiped out from the night before and not in the mood to move. So I'm thinking, as long as I'm up, I'm going to go. As I'm getting dressed, I'm thinking I'm going alone, but I get back out to the living room, and everyone is gone and getting dressed. Maybe it was my innate powers of jewish guilting coming through (though not my intention).

If we're going to make it, we have to hustle, because it takes a little while on the tram to get out to campus. Long story a little shorter, we get out of the house a little later than we should've, we get to the tram, there's construction, we power walk up the tram route to find an open stop, we are cruising right along for about 15 minutes until we find one, get on the tram, and eventually get to campus. It is now about 10 minutes after the buses were going to leave, but they always wait a little while, right? It's another 10 minutes to walk from the entrance to the place where the buses are. We get in that area, I see the buses, I say "come on, lets run" and I take off, because no one is standing outside the buses, the engines are on, and these things are going to move any second. Those lazy bitches let me run up ahead and catch the buses. They amble in a few minutes later. Yeah, good idea, let the asthmatic do all the running... (no, I was fine, really. don't send flovent.)

It's about an hour ride to the Healesville Sanctuary. Wonderful place. They only have Aussie fauna there. (I'll post pictures soon- including the picture of me with a kangaroo on my head. Kind of.) I got to pet a (baby-bear-cub-looking) wombat, watch sleeping koalas poop, and see a pelican with a very large beak almost eat Christine. And where might one keep a playpus, you ask? Why, in the Platypusary, of course. Yes, the Platypusary. I shit you not.

Platypusary - Where Platypus secrets are revealed


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