Thursday, July 21, 2005

A new way to play "Marco? POLO!"

There are kangaroos on my campus. I saw them. On a walk through the wildlife reserve, we ran into a group (pod?) of about 9 kangaroos. veddy, veddy cute. and on the walk to my office today, I saw a beautiful large black swan with a red face and beak. enjoying the wildlife.

last saturday, Christine, Eric, Ali, and I went to the circus - Circus Oz. funky sort of alterna-circus, but still very much fun. I think their official motto was something like, "circus for social justice and a good time for all" or something to that effect. lots of acts you might recognize and using expected norms and kinda funking with em a bit. No animals, which was good (anyone wondering why that's good: ). And then spent the rest of the day popping into an art museum, drinking a bit and ending up at a jazz club, briefly. Okay, maybe there was more than a bit of drinking. Perhaps some of us were less than sober. Perhaps "some of us" was me laughing really loudly quite often throughout the evening. (Though I certainly had myself some company...)

And good, bad, or otherwise I guess my laugh is a little loud and identifying. It's how Eric found us in another hall of the museum. Tracking devices of the giggly and American....


At 10:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nope, you weren't the only one less than sober, that's for sure...

And dude, I'm really jealous you get to see kangaroos on your campus! No fair.

At 3:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In case you haven't heard it in awhile..."Halley, Inside Voices!" Sounds like you're all having fun. Love to you all...


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