Tuesday, July 05, 2005

ahhhhh! I'm here... and I almost even have an address

I am happy to report the results of my highly scientifica study - the water in the toilets do, in fact, flush the opposite way down here in Australia. (Counter-clockwise in the US, clockwise down under. Thanks to Charlie for checking that out for me.)

Everything here is "no worries," which is great, except when there actually is some urgency needed in a situation, but so far, so good. I get out of customs at the airport, Christine was there to pick me up, we make obnoxious squeelie noises, and the surrounding crowd luckily smiles at us, rather than throwing things to stop to squeelie noises. I found a nice woman who promised "it'll all be laughs" and no worries, that we could hop a ride with a car service that was going into the city anyway, so we were able to get my two suitcases (one was 65 lbs, one was 69 lbs - the United Airlines max is 70 lbs each) into a big trunk, and not have to carry them at all, for cheap. After I paid and tipped him, the guy loved us. Apparently, tipping is not necessary all the time, since they get regular wages and don't rely on tips (in a restaurant you can tip if the service is outstanding). So anyway, I became his new favorite person.

We're living the hotel life until Friday, when we move into our new apt. Downtown and near all sortsa fun stuff (the new apartment, as well as the hotel). I must say, the first shower after flying for a day was just lovely. There's a lot to be said for being clean and under the covers in fresh pajamas.

I am in love with fake winter. They say they've been having a cold spell, even for their usual winter temps. I'm in a light jacket, with a long-sleeved tshirt, and I'm perfectly comfortable. And though the Aussie's are famous for their drinking, I don't think that has anything to do with my warmth right now. :) (Side note: Strongbow Cider Sweet is delicious.)

The city is great, the little I've seen so far. The trams and subway and buses are all really easy. The buildings are mostly from the early 1800s through the early-to-mid-1900s, so the architecture is neat, with oddly modern frontpieces. It looks almost like a colony of Victorian and art-deco buildings and homes. Funny how that works out with the British colonial period... :) But it's still neat that they've preserved a lot of the old architecture, even if some are painted bright yellow to advertise motorbike sales...

I've seen some amazing green and pink and brownish birds - I identified a crow. Other than that, the rest are new. I suppose I could find out the names but for now, we'll just call them the pretty green and pink and brownish birds. Now we're off on official business to find the wildlife sanctuary on campus. No really. There is one. I didn't make that up.

The only thing throwing me off a bit here is that everything feels a bit anachronistic to me. Leaves are on the ground. Trees are bare. People are in coats and talking about the winter. And a few days ago I was sweating from the heat and enjoying the A/C. But again, it's just fake winter.


At 12:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oddly enough I had to go to the men's room mid-blog and I took notice of the toilet, yet it turned clockwise! I wonder is the men's room here on the fourth floor strangely in some southern hemispherical dimension...

Glad to see you made it ok Hal. Take care.

At 2:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I too had to go over to the toilet to see which way it would flush, and sure enough the water flushed counter clockwise with two little kittens peaking over the side as my witnesses. Hmm... this calls for a greater sample size.

Good luck with your apartment!

At 8:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


If your toilet swirl start turning counter clockwise...leave the continent IMMEDIATELY!

Sounds like a great place, have fun.

Talk to you soon.


At 3:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

well y'know, I want you all to realize how hard it was for me to figure this out. the toilets, at first glance, seem to rush the water straight down. only upon further investigation (a group of us staring at a flushing toilet for longer than I care to share) to notice the subtleties of which way the water was going before it went down.

and joe, get out of there. right now.

dad, I'm keeping an eye on it.

maureen, are those kitties certified for this kind of work? it all has to be official, you know.


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