Tuesday, December 05, 2006

someone should lojack me

I suppose it's not really a problem since I'm not the pilot and have no say of where we're going midflight.

But it's still strange to look out a plane window and forget what city I'm leaving and/or forget what city I'm flying to. My brain falls into its old (flight) patterns and I think I'm over Chicago when I'm really nowhere near. Or going to Boston when I'm going to DC. I look out the window, especially at night, and I see a city, and it could be any city from 30,000 feet. Another city I'm flying over on my way to somewhere else. The possibilities are endless. And so my brain doesn't particularly remember the details, and it takes me a moment to figure it out.

And in that moment before being able to tack down the relevant place names and appointments, I am on a generic flight to a generic place. I am the woman in the movie who we see staring out the window into the clouds, without specificity.

It's also a little disconcerting. One should know where one is going to on a plane. It makes it much easier to know whether I should put on an extra sweater before getting off.


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