Friday, December 01, 2006

I bet Al Gore likes me best

Go rent this film now if you haven't seen it.

An Inconvenient Truth film site How to reduce your Co2 emissions and other saving-the-world stuff.

And for the competitive among us: The Carbon Calculator What is your personal impact?

I ranked "much smaller than average" with a 2.4.
Beat that, baby!


At 6:54 PM, Blogger Kristen said...

Tonight in Prague, before I drank three litres of Hoegaarden, an American woman at Bohemia Bagel cafe said to an American student, "Did you know that co2 emissions and greenhouse gasses are going to destroy some of the world's most incredible wonders by the year 2020?" Uhm... yeah! Is it new news? Anyhow, I haven't yet seen An Inconvenient Truth, but I bet this woman just saw it recently and it was her big eye-opening moment of clarity. Or something. Eh. ?


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