Sunday, December 31, 2006

Tonight - The Lobster Boy Review


I have a new bookshelf. A big one. Woo!

It came to live in my apartment thanks to Craigslist, and thanks to the help of my sister, the top of my head, and a dolly. We walked the cheap, 6' fucker back from a guy's apartment a few blocks away. We pulled it behind us. On the driveway to the back of my building, we found out it was much easier to push it.

We walked down the street with our heads obscured by the top of the bookshelf (the back piece had come off by that time so the top of the case encircled us), so it looked like there was a tilted bookshelf with four legs walking up a hill.

"Hey, Lisa, look at that! You see how the top of that building-"
"Halley! Keep walking!"
"Yes, Lisa."

We won't talk about how, at first, the shelf didn't fit. (Yes, I measured, but the measurements I was given were wrong.) We won't talk about how I had to jimmy a few things with screwdrivers, unwire some wires, and folding and shoving cardboard. We carried it, it was going to go in.

Yeah, but do they really have anything to say?

Elephants can have conversations with each other from eight miles apart.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Hey Halley!

It's your birthday! Dance around! Have a party!

(yes, I'm the one in the skirt...)

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Holiday crafts

My favourite, with "how to" instructions.

How funny is this?

Monday, December 18, 2006

saturday night photos

swapping swag, crazy crinoline, and drunk drancing

photos: here

Monday, December 11, 2006

If a lack of focus was the way to get stuff done, I would have solved world peace by now.

In finals meltdown.

I'm keeping in my earplugs because every time I take them out, the dumbshit upstairs starts up his power tools again - a big sander or some kind of electric table saw or planer. Seriously, it's happened three times already. I'm ready to throw hammers.

I got junk food last night at my crappy local 7-11 to fuel the process. (I got enough sweet, but not enough salty. I may have to venture out of the apartment again.) I had to wait in line behind a homeless man who was trying to get this student who offered to buy him a hot dog, to buy him 30 hot dogs. She said she was a student and didn't have a lot of money. He said, I thought you were a doctor. He kept asking for 30 hot dogs. Then he started coughing on her. [1) Awww, so sad. 2) Ew.] She was unhappy, but still tried to reason with him, and eventually just asked the man behind the counter for two hot dogs, while the homeless guy kept asking for more.

Back to South Africa and my tortured soul.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Mel and Bill: keeping me honest since 1997

I was going to post the links to the Boston Herald articles on Lisa and Rob's Boston wedding (for my grandmother who couldn't make it to the Chicago wedding). I was going to do it soon. I figured, who would know the difference if I took an extra couple days (as I am wont to do)?

I got an email from Mel today, saying Bill spotted us in the Herald. So, to our eagle-eyed duo, thanks for keeping me timely.

Herald article 1

Herald article 2

The photos posted here are photos from the article done by the Jewish Journal. I'll post the link when that article is available. Because I know you just can't get enough.

someone should lojack me

I suppose it's not really a problem since I'm not the pilot and have no say of where we're going midflight.

But it's still strange to look out a plane window and forget what city I'm leaving and/or forget what city I'm flying to. My brain falls into its old (flight) patterns and I think I'm over Chicago when I'm really nowhere near. Or going to Boston when I'm going to DC. I look out the window, especially at night, and I see a city, and it could be any city from 30,000 feet. Another city I'm flying over on my way to somewhere else. The possibilities are endless. And so my brain doesn't particularly remember the details, and it takes me a moment to figure it out.

And in that moment before being able to tack down the relevant place names and appointments, I am on a generic flight to a generic place. I am the woman in the movie who we see staring out the window into the clouds, without specificity.

It's also a little disconcerting. One should know where one is going to on a plane. It makes it much easier to know whether I should put on an extra sweater before getting off.

Friday, December 01, 2006

I bet Al Gore likes me best

Go rent this film now if you haven't seen it.

An Inconvenient Truth film site How to reduce your Co2 emissions and other saving-the-world stuff.

And for the competitive among us: The Carbon Calculator What is your personal impact?

I ranked "much smaller than average" with a 2.4.
Beat that, baby!