Sunday, October 29, 2006

quote of the day

ME to video store clerk: Do you have On the Town?
(clickity clickity on the computer)
CLERK: Ummm....that's not a porn, is it?

Uh, no.
Is there some reason that people working at video stores haven't heard of either of the classic musicals I'm looking for (Guys and Dolls being the other)? I mean, fine - our culture is fucked and you no longer carry anything released prior to three years ago, but to not have heard of any of these things? I have to go to a specialty video store? I have to *find* a specialty video store?

A similar thing happened yesterday in one of the stores when I asked for On the Town. Only the guy didn't say to me outright that he only had the porn version. He just smirked at the screen and said to me, "Yeah, I don't have the one you're looking for."

So now, I have to go out to this indie store to see if they have it. I tried calling first, of course, but the number was disconnected. People say the store is there, though. I am not optimistic.


At 11:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

One time I went to Blockbuster with my high school sweetie. We were looking for Faces of Death. When I asked the clerk if they had it he said unnecessarily loudly, "this is a family store, we do not have filthy movies like that." So, I shrugged and yelled across the store "Hey, babe, they don't have 'I wanna cum all over your face and fuck you in the ass' like we had hoped they would." The funny thing is, the clerk turned beet red over my outburst. I left there very satisfied. Never set foot in another Blockbuster again. You know me, I'm not into the "family" type movies.


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