Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Fascinating basic listing post - or - why (kinda) I haven't updated lately

Because I'm lazy.

And I've had a ton of school work. And workwork. And I'm lazy.

Lisa's bachelorette party was faboo. (Photos probably forthcoming.) Games and drinking and eating and lots of chocolate desserts and music and drag queens and many more drinks and massages and more eating.

The wedding is next weekend so I will spend this weekend nailed to my desk chair, hard at procrastination.

Camping in the Shenandoah Valley was also faboo, if freezing at night. 7 layers plus mittens and sleeping bags over the head. An arrival heralded by our car alarm that wouldn't shut off for minutes on end. A wine and balloonin' festival. A bit of Appalachian trail hikin'. French toast with rum (for flavour) and mega-s'mores round the fire. There was also a 14-egg ommlette - each egg was added to the pan with my impression of the Count from Sesame Street. We almost had a Cool Hand Luke moment. Oh, and Maureen and I saved the whole place from burning down. But that's a story for another time. (Photos likely forthcoming. Of the camping. Not the camp saving.)

I submitted and got reviewed in my workshop for the first time ever. And I didn't explode. Or have things thrown at me. So that was better than expected.

Squirrels/the trees are throwing acorns.

I have a midterm due in two days. And just generally a bunch of other stuff.

I'm now working half time [edit: at a company who is apparently stalking me so I'm talking out its name so I don't show up on its list of blogs mentioning it]. I think by just mentioning them I have to say that they aren't affiliated with me, disclaimerdisclaimerdisclaimer.

I have another (3rd) appt with my eye doctor next week, after he very graciously spent a while with me at the last one, where I kept saying charming things like, "Nope, these don't work. Lets try another pair." Now, I'm not actually wearing the contacts now, but I feel like this weekend I'm really gonna give 'em a go. *insert whine* Glasses are just so much eeeeeeeeeeasier.

Off to find pajamas.

[Edited because they just really creeped me out.]


At 9:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you're... lazy? no! i don't believe it.

but your glasses are super hawt. you should keep them.


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