Sunday, April 16, 2006

A pocket full of pecans, and now maybe I could go for a bottle of wine...

I'm at the market yesterday, at our favorite wine stall, brought over to the counter by a nice little botrytis. The woman looks at me for a second and finally comes over. I ask if any of the muscats I'm now looking at are available to taste. They looked fruity and I was in a fruity mood.

She gets uncomfortable and says, " old are you?"
"Oh! Wow. Um. Well, um, I thought you were older than you looked, um, I had to ask, I didn't really think you were..." and she's going on and on.

The drinking age in Australia is 18. The woman wasn't sure that I wasn't, perhaps, underage. As in, 17 or younger.

This beats the time I got carded for a PG-13 movie. Not R, PG-13. (Who cards for PG-13, anyway? Loser.) I was 18. And the ticket-seller thought I was 12. My charming, sensitive friends thought this was hysterical and laughed until the movie started.

Yes, feel free to take me anywhere and get the kids rate. I could save millions...
And when I'm forty, I'm fully going for the college student discounts.
But for now, I make sure I have ID on me wherever I go.


At 11:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't feel too badly, H-Dogg. I have only recently stopped being carded for alcohol in the liquor store, and it's dropped off some at restaurants but I do still get carded from time to time.

Not only that, but at my nephew's christening party, my sister's friend Amy's (Amy was the godmother) family was there. And Amy's father asked my sister how old I was and wouldn't believe her when she told him.

Not only did he not believe I'm 27, but he thought I was younger than my sister by five years or so.

My sister is 22. D'oh! I can't even pass for 17? What?!

At 6:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

well Hal,
I wouldn't be surprised that she thought you were 17 if you were wandering around with any of the girls you've been hanging with lately in OZ ;)

At 12:58 AM, Blogger E said...

Wow, old people sometimes think that people look younger than they are, either that or I used to card older people just to make them feel good (lol)... that said when we're forty I hope I can still get my picture taken next to you! OXOOX

At 1:24 AM, Blogger Halley said...

yeah, people always think I'm the younger sister. I'm not. They are generally shocked to find out that I'm older. not just, "oh yeah, well it coulda gone either way," but shocked. does this mean that she gets to turn 40 first, then?

At 6:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yikes! you can both turn 40 first.....twins aren't you?

me...i'm a perpetual 34....


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