Tuesday, April 11, 2006

On hypocrisies...

This is more of a travel/journal-y blog. In it, I was going to tell of the wondrous things in Aussie-land (like the jokes a commercial here makes about the Finnish. Seriously, who makes fun of the Finns? It's hysterical.). During this time, I was going to take some time off from some of the activist organisations, and you were all going to get some time off from the emails and phone calls on any number of pressing issues, but all usually stemming from (in one way or another) the idiocy that calls itself the Bush administration. This "time off" project was going fairly well, in fact.

So I'll just say this on the topic of the anti-immigrant movement: FWHAT?!?! Unless you are American Indian, you have no right to spout anti-immigration rhetoric. As in, "Someone let me in, but now that I'm here, no one else can come in."

Someone who says it better than I do: A short piece on the propaganda, by Alisa Valdes-Rodriguez. I think the part about Bush's financial "choices" are especially interesting. In a later post, she makes interesting points on how he's not actually a conservative politically in his financial policies, etc, and how a truckload of his policies make the actual conservatives crazy. [On a related point, have you heard how he doesn't think young people should be given the vaccine for HPV because if they were making the correct moral choices (abstinance) they wouldn't need it. Yes, because telling people (young people in the US, adults overseas, everyone but married straight couples anywhere) never to have sex always works real well. Jackass.]

Yeah, so I guess this post turned political. I think we all knew that would happen. Sue me.


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