Saturday, April 01, 2006

Alabama, Alaska, Arizona....

I love maps. I can stare at them endlessly. They've brought to me such realizations as:

1. Russia is really freakin' huge.

2. Ohhh, that's where the Phillippines are.

3. Hawaii is not off the coast of California.

I've added a guestmap down on the side bar there (under Stuff...). Stick a pin in it. I'll even let you lie, if you want, and say you're off somewhere exotic. Like Canada. Or Connecticut. Up to you.

(We were so happy to have a big map on the wall, we took a picture.)


At 10:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

H. Fresh, would you mind terribly changing your link for me from my lj to ? I've moved all my ranty-rant-rantingness over to there now. Danke schon, fraulein!

At 6:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love how multipurpose this picture has become


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