Monday, March 20, 2006

Oh the things I'm learning...

A few days ago I watched a taped rehearsal of my show, which goes up tomorrow.

From watching this tape, I learned that a) my voice is annoying*, b) I speak way faster than I had any idea, and c) a certain pair of jeans is terribly unflattering to my ass.

I had a final dress rehearsal today. Tomorrow night, the show. And after that? We drink.

*Yes, I'm annoyed by the sound of my own voice. On this tape. It couldn't really be like that, right?


At 7:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

While I'll grant that it's been a long time since I've heard it, I don't remember your voice as being annoying at all. Nor did it seem like you talked too fast. But then again, few people talk as fast as we do here in Jersey, so maybe I can just keep up better than others. ;)

At 2:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

a)your voice is not annoying...blame the camera
b)talking to fast is a sign of intelligence
c)from now on...take the camera when you go jeans shopping...

At 1:18 AM, Blogger E said...

Blame the forensics for the fast talking... since they encourage that even if you don't know what you are talking about. As for your voice sounding annoying, that happens to everyone… I despise watching myself and/or listening. People who actually like watching themselves are way too narcissistic anyway. OOXOXO


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