Tuesday, March 07, 2006

City of Churches, my ass

If someplace is advertised as the city of churches, it would not be crazy to expect to see churches, and lots of them, in said city. I was in Adelaide, "City of Churches", last week for their huge Arts Festival and Fringe Festival. I was ready to be overrun with church-y goodness. I was all ready with my "Ooh, look at that stained glass!" and "Wouldja count all those saints!"

I was not overrun. I saw a few churches. Not a lot. Clearly, I was in the heathen section of town.

Either way, it's a very pretty small city. I got to go to an arts festival and call it research, since my thesis deals in performance. Always hard at work, I am.

And I swam with dolphins. Also part of the research. Riiight...


At 11:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

nice dolphin...erm..research halley...i wish my office would let me research that way...


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