Friday, February 10, 2006

The other day, Christine, Kim, Andrew, and I went down to Lygon St to the Readings bookstore for the launch of my advisor's book. Shockingly, we were running a little late. Shockingly, we were running late because I had no idea what time it was while we were sitting in the apartment talking about sorority rules and eating corn chips. Of course.

We roll into the bookstore about 15 minutes late, but it doesn't matter because everyone is still standing around drinking wine, throwing around polysyllabic academic jargon, and looking continental. The launch speakers started a bit later and we enjoyed ourselves, hearing about circus aerialists and body performance and the state of fringe arts.

The whole time we were rushing to get there, we would dart in between cars, not waiting for lights to change, and made general pedestrian nuisances of ourselves. On the way back we hit a gelato place (Lygon St is very Italian), and ended up with about 9 different flavors between our three cups.

Walking back, we were absorbed by the ice cream. Stopping in the middle of the street. On an island. Just eating. We had forgotten about walking, and had unintentionally taken up residence on this strip of pavement. Five minutes later Kim says, "Umm, guys? I think we can cross now." We look up from our gelato and realize we got a little...distracted. Apparently we'd used up all our traffic-dashing points earlier.


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