Thursday, October 20, 2005

mission: grocery shopping.
time allotment: not long
situation: I loooooove going up and down the aisles, looking at all the different products.

okay, so Sarah, Christine, and I are cruising along just fine until we hit the feta. After much discussion of goat milk, we chose an Indian cheese. Then we were off. Until we hit the cereal. And then the taco shells. They make kits with detailed instructions. However, we decided that we didn't like anyone telling us how to make our tacos. Fight the power. So we're on the road again. Until we hit the frozen goodies. As it turns out, our favorite little choco-whatevers are not in the case. We tried staring at it to make them appear, but that didn't help. We picked up some fruity-whatevers, and we were moving again. Only three more stops (at the body wash: the aqua one in the cool bottle; at the shredded Tasty Cheese: home brand; and a run back across the store for veggie ground "beef") and we were checking out. Right on time. Almost.

In other news: I saw a play from South Africa that's here in the Int'l Arts Festival. Really good. Really physical show, too, with all five cast members involved the whole time, with singing and dancing and running. So by the end, they were all sweaty and dirty (there was some red earth involved, as well) - so I'm thinking they must have to do laundry every night, which would be really annoying. If it's in your neighborhood, see it. Amajuba: Like Doves We Rise Nothing strikingly new, but good for everyone to hear and remember.

And finally: If you could find anyone to take the bet, you probably just lost some money. I did, indeed, finish what I needed to submit to my thesis advisor. Pay up.


At 7:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

so do they do halloween in australia or what? 'cause i for one vote you resurrect Dominatrix Barbie.


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