Wednesday, January 31, 2007

A mid-week random 5

Because I felt I hadn't been sharing with all y'all enough lately.

5 random things you maybe didn't know about me:

1) I have a pretty bad case of "white girl rhythm" whenever I try to do two musical things at once. I can either sing or snap or dance or clap. No problem. More than one, forget it.

2) I almost always use cold water to wash my hands. I prefer it. I'll only use the hot water if I have to. And showering.

3) I lovelovelove watching PBS shows like The New Yankee Workshop, This Old House (but not Ask This Old House as much - it feels more staged), The Victory Garden, the Great Performances series, and Antiques Roadshow.

4) For my next big trip I would love to go to Western Russia/Eastern Europe.

5) I've been in a bar fight. I did not throw the first punch, but I did throw the last, just to end the whole thing. I hate fighting.

Okay, now you: random 5.

I am the Lorax. I speak for the trees.

-From Virtual Talmud-

It is not too late to stem global warming. Here are ten New Year’s Resolutions for Tu B’Shevat that can help:

1) Buy recycled napkins to help save one million trees, according to Newsweek magazine.

2) Turn your thermostat down two degrees in winter and up two degrees in summer to save 2,000 lbs. of CO2 a year.

3) Replace a regular light bulb with a compact fluorescent bulb to help save 1,000 lbs of CO2 per bulb.

4) Turn off lights, monitors, and other electronics when you leave a room, even for a few minutes, to cut your energy bill by up to a third. (It worked for me!)

5) Walk more, bundle errands to be gas efficient, and buy fuel efficient cars.

6) Keep your car in tune and tires at the right pressure to save up to 4% on your gas mileage (that’s 20 pounds of carbon dioxide for every gallon saved).

7) Buy food with an eye to its impact on the environment: Where possible choose locally grown, fresh rather than frozen, and organic rather than regular produce.

8) Recycle, including mail inserts and envelopes without your address. Old cell phones, PDAs, and rechargeable batteries can be recycled for free by mail through the Sierra Club.

9) Learn more. See "An Inconvenient Truth," its web site, and check out the Coalition on the Environment and Jewish Life.

10) Post this list and use it throughout the year.

-- Posted by Rabbi Susan Grossman

Do not forsake, oh my bloggees

If it seems I've forgotten this little piece of webspace, it's not true.

In fact, I've composed posts in my head. They just don't always make it here.

Grovel, grovel, grovel.

Maybe the cold went to my brain? Maybe the mittens have prevented my fingers from typing? Maybe my apartment is such a mess I can't make it to my computer?

All reasonable possibilities. None true, but reasonable.

I'm willing to work on this relationship. We could go to counseling. I can change, I swear.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Funny guy

Art Buchwald gives his own obit.
In this clip below, he opens with, "Hi, I'm Art Buchwald, and I just died."

(click me)

Et cetera and whatnot

Two writing workshops and an internship.
That's where I'll be this next semester.
This may be the first or the last you hear about it.
Just thought I'd mention it.

In a few hours, I leave for Boston.
InterFuture meeting and conference.
This may be the first or the last you hear about it.
Oh who are we kidding?
Nothing that happens in InterFuture stays in InterFuture.

See ya Thursday. Unless you're in Boston. Then I'll see you in a few.
It feels like a homecoming.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

OW! quit it. OW! quit it. OW! quit it. OW! quit it. OW! quit it.

I keep touching the sore spot where I got my flu shot yesterday.

It hurts when I touch it. And I keep touching it to see if it still hurts.

It still hurts.

Then I yell at the spot for hurting, like it hurt me on purpose.

If there was ever a question, here's proof that years of formal education have no direct corrollation to intelligence.

(Points for anyone who knows where the title of the post is from.)

Quote of the day

"Listen--some things are worth worrying about. Impending doom is not one of them."
-The Trash Heap, Fraggle Rock

Six months ago today - leaving

Christine guarding the remainder of the stuff in the old apartment in Melbourne.

Eric using his boy scout training in knots.

Our favourite- a self portrait

Alae and Christine

Alae and I are too sexy for this couch.

Alae and May (apparently we were just rotating the girls on and off the couch for photos with our big, strong half-caste.)

Ali, Sarah, Christine, Eric, May, Alae (in Ali's kitchen)

getting all the crap into our maxi taxi

in front of Ali's

Me. And lots of luggage.

Christine with three carts of our luggage. No, that's not all of it. (Changing planes in San Francisco.)

Many moons later than the first photo, Mom and Dad's welcome for me and for Lisa and Rob in Chicago.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

quote of the day

"No, I totally did not expect to win an Emmy this year."
-our own lil Sam Glassenberg, on his recent win at the tech Emmys.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

funny in a "we shouldn't be laughing" kind of way

So on tonight's news I start hearing some interesting terms as I'm turned toward the computer. A single, 29-year old woman, who lives alone (just like me, almost). Kalorama (my neighborhood). Columbia Road (my street). The 1900 block (my block). By this point, I've turned around.

Turns out there was a murder at the building next door to mine, on the seventh floor. Awesome. I can see the half of the apartments on the seventh floor next door from my windows. Nothing looks different.

Apparently, the police will be hanging around the next few days.

The funny part of all this was there was a shot of the newscaster out in front of the bulding, standing in front of a sign that read, "Apartments Available"...

UPDATE: I heard there was no sign of forced entry. So they think it was an acquaintance. I should probably be paying more attention to the details.

Friday, January 05, 2007

remember that scene in Mary Poppins when...

Free endangered species ringtones

Because you always wanted to ribbit! in a crowded bookstore:

Get 'em here (You just need to be able to connect to the internet on your phone.)

Or just to listen, follow the link above and they'll give you all the samples (after that little name/email form). I think some of the toads or owls would make a good ring tone.

Or the Beluga whale. I would give you $1 if you had that as your ringtone.

Monday, January 01, 2007

On getting active in 2007:

When the community is in trouble, a person should not say, "I will go to my house and I will eat and drink and be at peace with myself."

- Babylonian Talmud, Ta'anit 11a