Saturday, January 13, 2007

OW! quit it. OW! quit it. OW! quit it. OW! quit it. OW! quit it.

I keep touching the sore spot where I got my flu shot yesterday.

It hurts when I touch it. And I keep touching it to see if it still hurts.

It still hurts.

Then I yell at the spot for hurting, like it hurt me on purpose.

If there was ever a question, here's proof that years of formal education have no direct corrollation to intelligence.

(Points for anyone who knows where the title of the post is from.)


At 11:55 PM, Blogger leesepea said...

It's from The Simpsons!

What do I win???!!??!

At 12:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you win a coupon for Mr. Plow. Congratulations. It will be very useful if it ever snows in California.


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