Thursday, July 06, 2006

Off to Sydney

Leaving for the airport shortly to meet up with Christine and Sarah in Sydney.

Sarah is arriving from Bali. Christine took the scenic route this morning on the all-day bus from here to there. And I'm catching a flight in a couple hours.

I'm going late because I had to be here today for a photo shoot for the postgrad prospectus brochure thingermahoosie. In it, I'm all international and exotic and shit. "From the wilds of America...Oooh, ahhh!"

I saw a couple of the shots and looked alternately like a buck-toothed moron, cross-eyed, or awesome. I hope they use the latter.

I also needed some time to pack. After 10 days in NZ and then going to Sydney for the weekend and then moving out of the apt the next day, I was going to need some packign time. As you may know (or guess), I'm a slow packer. I like to look at stuff. And then look at other stuff. And then come across the first stuff I put down half and hour ago and forgot about. So I stayed up until 5:30 this morning and was pretty much finished. Got up 3 hours later for the photo shoot. Came home and finished putting things together.

Oh gawd, my suitcases feel like I have packed rocks. In fact, they are not rocks. They are some books and papers and clothes and assorted Australiana I have acquired over the course of a year. Oy. I am going to be paying "over weight limit fees". For United, it's only $25 per bag. That's fine. My concern is that they let them on at all. This is in addition to the 40 lb. box of books I'm shipping to DC (Lees and Rob, heads up!) and the big "homeless person's"* giant, plastic, square bag I will be putting the majority of my clothes into and paying the "extra bag" charge for.

I don't know where all this stuff comes from....

NOTE: If I was supposed to call you when I got back from New Zealand, sorry! I caught a cold my last day there, and the next day and a half my throat hurt too much to really talk. I'm fine today, though. So all of you who were about to make some snarky comment about me being quiet, the opportunity has passed...

*As Christine calls these bags. "Because you see all the homeless people with 'em when they need a bag to bring their stuff into shelters." Because they are big and strong and cheap. Exactly what I need.


At 7:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Hal, 'member that time you were leaving for Australia and you called me 3 hours before your flight and said you were still repacking your suitcase? you 'member? that was a good time wasn't it...;)...Im sure by the time you get this it will have been appropriate to say "welcome home" already...

At 5:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heyyyyy I know how to DRIVE to DC...all by myself. Soooo maybe one of these days I'll actually see you again....


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