Monday, June 26, 2006

Zorbing, anyone?

Rotarua and Taupo (the area of NZ where I am for the moment) are known as extreme sports meccas. I could go sky diving, bungee jumping, spelunking, and assorted mishagas. A bunch of the crazy whatnot was invented here. But the thing is, you're always strapped into safety gear. This is a good idea, of course, but it's a pretty controlled environment. Yes, it's thrilling and fun and you could wet your pants with adrenaline. But you're still strapped in.

I went horseback riding yesterday up in the mountains. It feels pretty flippin' extreme when the horse takes off at a canter down a muddy hill and all that's keeping you on top of the thing are your leg muscles. And not a seat belt. There was a moment where I was like, "hmmm, I believe I might fall off and roll down this hill...well, okay, then." I stayed on the whole time, but today I'm a bit sore from all the gripping. (I've gone riding other times since I stopped riding regularly and never felt my muscles like this the next day...)

It was much fun and had beautiful scenery (yes, sheep) and there were a number of times on the ride where I was like, I'm moving to New Zealand and buying a horse.


At 1:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am insanely jealous! Can I move there with you and get my own horse? MA is just so...ick.

At 5:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

was it clip...clop...clip...clop or more like clipclopclip or clpclpclp?

oooo, without seatbelts or side rails....i remember the beach riding, but crippling when i got down (it was toooooo ugly a manuever to describe as dismounting!!!)

still sounds like fun. you should find a place in wash.dc with stables....maybe you could muck out the stalls in exchange for riding? Nawww.

at this point i'm going to hoof it out of here....and back to the ponderosa....


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