Wednesday, February 01, 2006


Things that drive me crazy: The grocery stores only carrying frozen pizzas with meat on them.

Perhaps it's possible that some people don't want pig chunks on their pizza.
No? Okay. Super. Thanks.

Things that make me happy: Hearing the news say that Bush knows everyone hates him.

Perhaps it's also possible that I'm paraphrasing. But they definitely said something about the American people thinking he's doing a bad job and that his approval rating is at 35%.

I'd like everyone now to take a moment and send happy thoughts/ pray/ click your heals together three times that A) I can find a non-meat-tastic pizza, and B) the disapproving 65% vote that way next time.

And yes, pizza before politics. As the world should be.

By the way, if anyone can figure out how to send me one of those frozen Amy's Natural Cheese-Free Roasted Veggie Pizzas, you will earn a million good karma points. Redeemable for eternal bliss or one of those really big stuffed animals you see at the carnivals. Up to you.


At 5:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmm... Someone could pack one of those pizza's in dry ice and send it in a styrofoam shipping box. Dry ice lasts about a week or more... just an idea... :)

At 11:51 PM, Blogger elldeelosang said...

Halley, if you go to the deli section of Coles supermarkets, you can get a vegie pizza that can then be frozen...

cheers from a fellow vego

At 8:22 PM, Blogger E said...

I agree that the 65% should vote that way! Depending on how Bush's Supremes turn out, you might want to extend your stay, and I might be joining you in the land down under (as the British would say, with all of the convicts). Oh and speaking of political issues, my friend Dave and I are starting a blog… so check it out if you want (I know a shameless ploy).

At 7:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Try making your own pizza. It's easy! By the way,I like George Bush Sr and Jr.


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