Friday, September 09, 2005

Molasses in January

It is a testament to our level of focus that we ever got to the Post on Thursday. And I don't necessarily mean a high level...

Sarah and I needed to go pick up tea and go to the Post. These were the only things on the list. We figure, it's early enough in the afternoon that we can make it to the Post after we get the tea. So we get it. After stopping in a store that sells cute tchotchkies. And has a very, very cute little white dog. Who gives high five. And lets you know when you're finished petting her. Which is never. We leave for the Post.

And stop at the vegetarian restaurant there on Smith St on the way back to the post. It's next to the vegetarian/organic/hippy/crunchy market, and has tables on the sidewalk. Oh, the random assortment of people... And can I just say how nice it is to be able to order anything off the menu? I had a pumpkin-okopita and Sarah had a spicy korma-phyllo dough thing. She got a berry smootie thing. I ordered a chai iced tea. The guy had no idea what I was talking about. Now, they had hot chai tea on the menu. I figure they must have the iced version somewhere also, right? Ummm, no. But we prayed to the tea gods and divine inspiration struck and voila, chai iced tea. (Actually, no. We were halfway finished with our food by the time the drinks came. So not quite "voila" - more like, "No worries, mate. The drinks will come whenever the drinks come...") We peruse the movie listings poster, we sip our drinks, we watch the fashion show on the street. And leave for the Post.

And stop at a clothing store with a cute dress in the window. And then leave for the Post.

And stop at the flower store where we got these lovely heavy-headed renunculas. (You know in The Hours, the first time Meryl Streep goes into the flower shop, and comes out with armfuls of those flowers? Those are renunculas. what they look like after they're open I love them with tight blooms even more.) I discuss the movie with the woman inside. And then we leave for the Post.

We almost stop into another clothing store, but the Post is going to close in like, three minutes. So we go to the Post. Directly.

We get in and the women inside were very nice, and ask me to take my slow ass home and address the package there, "So you're not so rushed, dear." Okay. Fine. We leave the Post, with a packing bag, the customs form, and the stuff I was going to send at the Post that day. And our leftovers from lunch. And the tea. And the movie schedule poster. And the flowers. And a loaf of bread.

Did I forget the bakery we stopped at?


At 10:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a lovely day!
And I disagree, it's not procrastination, it's 'going native' ... doing things the Aussie must be doing some kind of undercover social study of Oz I smell a paper here?

by the way....what did you get me?


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