Saturday, August 20, 2005

Live Nude Girls!

no it's not big brother watching, but I did put on a "word verification" thingamahoosie when you leave a comment. I've gotten a few spam comments. I'm just so popular that people can't help but want to share their secret stock tips and cheap viagra connections with me as comments to the blog.

So it's still the same deal, basically, to leave a comment, but now you just have to enter the word you see (where it tells you to type it in). (The automated spammer things can't read it. It takes an actual real live person. And assuming you're an actual real live person, you should be just fine.)

In other excitement, it's sunny and warmish out (60s) and I have a cold. And in case you miss the stock tips spam, here's one for you: buy shares of Kleenex. (Oh, and briefly on the healthcare: doctor visit cost- free. Paid-out-of-pocket prescription cost-$10.90, which is less than 8 bucks American. They had to explain it to me a couple times - What do you mean I won't be getting some huge-ass bill in the mail?)


At 2:34 AM, Blogger leesepea said...

Thanks for stopping by!

I'll be sure to peek in and see what it's like down unda!

At 2:36 AM, Blogger leesepea said...

P.S. Where'd you get the word verification thingy?

I want one!

I'm tired of getting spam comments such as, "Hi, nice read, come see my blog at (online poker, pills online, mortgage refinancing, etc)."

At 10:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

what, so you're saying you don't want to learn How to Please Your Man in Bed? whyever not?


At 9:52 PM, Blogger E said...

Isn't public heathcare great, I agree that it was confusing in the UK too, we just aren't used to not having a huge bill when we leave. Hope you feel better soon. OXOXO

At 10:52 AM, Blogger Daisy said...

I want to know where you got the word verification thing too!! I like the idea to keep the spam away.

At 2:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

gosh, DID you get the verification thingy? sorry you're still sick....just think of it as research into another aspect of life 'down under'. did you ever think that maybe the US is under and Oz is ontop? maybe the maps are all wrong...a conspiracy of cartographers, a myriad of mapmakers mired in mischief, obviously longitudinal lunatics laughing at us! do do do do (jaws theme)


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