Thursday, August 30, 2007

Old Mother Hubbard

The contents of my fridge:

1) raspberry preserves
2) 1/4 carton of almond milk
3) 4 slices of Ezekiel bread
4) half tub of vanilla yogurt

These are not the makings of a fabulous meal.
Dinner tonight was the end of a green pepper and a bag of microwave popcorn.
Actually, it was fairly satisfying; I'm a cheap date.
Still, I think I may end up grocery shopping this weekend.
Or else, dinner tomorrow will be interesting...

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Miss South Carolina

with thanks to Andrew for the linkydoo

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

an oldie but a goodie

Fun with Feminist Performance Theory

And why did I find this? Because I've spent this productive day reading old blog posts from when I was surrounded by people with crazy Aussie accents; unlike now, when I wish I were.

To share this stroll down memory lane, the archives are on the bottom right of the main blog page. Oz was 7/05 - 7/06.

Not so much an exercise in narcissism as an exercise in figuring out when, if, and how I'll be able to put all this into something...

And perhaps a bit of narcissism. But dude, I'm really funny sometimes.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Jon Stewart on Michael Vick

Jon Stewart on Michael Vick, with Vick saying he'll be vindicated when he can tell his side of the story, how he'll be vindicated...

"Turns out, he did it. And now he's going to jail.
Michael Vick, who had dogs fight each other, pit bulls fight each other to the death, just for his own amusement?
Little does he know the prison he's going to." *

My anti-violence little soul has a loophole for people who abuse animals where the abusers get done to them what they did to the animals. And now this fucker is going to get exactly that.
How awesome is Jon Stewart?

(*quote is approximate, from the tv a minute ago...)

Monday, August 13, 2007

Oh happy day (not soon enough)

Rove is resigning.

(Washington Post article: Rove's Dismal Legacy)

Okay, so who wants to take bets on how long it will be before whatever shit is going to hit the fan (i.e. the reason he's resigning now) to hit the fan?

Sunday, August 12, 2007

IKEee-AA! I just met a girl named IKEA...

Okay, we didn't just meet, but yesterday we had a reunion after a very long separation. And I got to drink lingonberry juice. And pronounce things; which anyone who's been there will tell you is half the fun of the place.

And have you seen their fabric dept? Bolts of really great graphic prints. Got a loverly roll that I'll make into drops for the bedroom. In theory. When I get to it.

I am overjoyed at the sheer number of things that can be acquired there for under $10. And even more by the number of things under $1.

IKEA, say it loud and there's music playing,
Say it soft and it's almost like're whispering about a big chain store.
That I love.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Of Katharines and Kings

Maybe it's because his name rhymes with "Melvis." Maybe it's because he's slimy. And creepy. Maybe it's because we still talk about him in the present tense.

But I get a great deal of joy from the fact that the recent Elvis film marathon on some cable channel was sponsored by Poise pads.

Not by Mustang. Not even by a fast-food burger place. But by a bladder-weakness pad.

In much classier news, I just saw The Lion in Winter (1968), with Katharine Hepburn (and Peter O'Toole, Anthony Hopkins and Timothy Dalton).

It contains a fantastic speech from her Eleanor of Aquitaine:

Prince Richard: A knife! He's got a knife!!
Eleanor of Aquitaine: Of course he has a knife. He's always has a knife. We all have knives. It's 1183 and we're barbarians. How clear we make it.

See the video of the quick speech at this page: kumbaya.

I'm having a Katharine mini-filmfest of ones I haven't seen. Lion in Winter, Stage Door, Glass Menagerie. Bless Netflix.

A summer update in photos

A sprung spring (no, I don't know why it flipped sideways)

The festivities of early summer.

Sending the bound thesis off to Melbourne.

DC Pride

enjoying Jenny's roof


Playing dec-tuple(?) solitaire

The camera went kerfluey this spring. Still must fix.
I'll probably post the full set over at the photo site, one of these days.
Right side up.

On the morning I ran out of underwear...

...and washed them in the sink with not enough time to air dry.

"Creative" drying solutions.

With thanks to my parents, the original "creative solutions" experts.
And no, my parents aren't teenage boys.

Mr. Hooper: M.O.T.

In another round of "Guess Who's Jewish," today we find Mr. Hooper from Sesame Street.
(read all about it on wiki)

I always liked him. And I always found Big Bird to be kind of a moron.

Prarie Dawn, fine.
Ernie, annoying.
Slimey, awesome.

Just your daily round up of vital information.

Lion Hug!

Text from the uploader on YouTube:
"So these two people raised this lion cub who they named Christian, and sadly he got too big for them to take care of so they decided to release him to live as a wild lion. Well, in this footage, a year has passed and it looks like Christian's adapted to living with a pride of lions when his old friends come back to visit him. Watch closely and you can see the look of pure disbelief that dawns on his muzzle- it's awesome. ^_^ Next thing you know, we have a heart warming reunion. Not long after, members of Christian's pride approach and even they seem to accept Christian's human friends.

"Again, THIS IS NOT MINE! This footage from Christian's documentary was also kleptoed from a FANTASTIC website about Kimba the White Lion. ^_^ So send all Kudos where it belongs!

"I'm only uploading these to give people who're oblivious to Kimba an idea as to what the heart of the series really is about. ^.^"