Friday, August 10, 2007

Of Katharines and Kings

Maybe it's because his name rhymes with "Melvis." Maybe it's because he's slimy. And creepy. Maybe it's because we still talk about him in the present tense.

But I get a great deal of joy from the fact that the recent Elvis film marathon on some cable channel was sponsored by Poise pads.

Not by Mustang. Not even by a fast-food burger place. But by a bladder-weakness pad.

In much classier news, I just saw The Lion in Winter (1968), with Katharine Hepburn (and Peter O'Toole, Anthony Hopkins and Timothy Dalton).

It contains a fantastic speech from her Eleanor of Aquitaine:

Prince Richard: A knife! He's got a knife!!
Eleanor of Aquitaine: Of course he has a knife. He's always has a knife. We all have knives. It's 1183 and we're barbarians. How clear we make it.

See the video of the quick speech at this page: kumbaya.

I'm having a Katharine mini-filmfest of ones I haven't seen. Lion in Winter, Stage Door, Glass Menagerie. Bless Netflix.


At 2:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lion in of my all time favorites.... did you see 'bringing up baby'? how about the five or so hepburn - tracy flicks?

At 7:15 PM, Blogger Halley said...

yeah, I think I've seen most of 'em. I just netflixed a whole bunch of 'em I hadn't seen.

philadelphia story is still my favorite, minus the opening scene, of course.


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