Tuesday, February 27, 2007

If toilets were horses...

Now, you know I almost never post quiz results here. It's happened maybe three times in the almost two years of this blog. But I loved this. I *would* be most comfortable in this alternate dimension:

In what alternate dimension would hsc be most comfortable?
In a dimension where...

Men have to wait in line to go to the bathroom
'In what alternate dimension would you be most comfortable?'

I have multiple stories about using men's room bathrooms because of the line for the women's bathroom and the lack of one for the men's room... the best one being when I started with friends a mass migration of dozens of women into the men's room line at a rest stop filled with marchers coming back from DC after The March for Women's Lives. All of a sudden there was talking and laughing in the men's room; the men freaked out, looking around to see what the heck was going on; suddenly, the men's room became the women's room, too.

If bathrooms were adequately constructed with the appropriate amount of facilities, lines would be of equal length and no line switching would ever need to happen.

Monday, February 26, 2007

For your daily clicking pleasure

Just a reminder how you can feed hungry animals (for free) just by clicking:

The Animal Rescue Site

Dr. Doolittle...er...Feldstein - Living with the Bull

We should all keep our lil fingers crossed that this book comes to shelves near us very soon.

And not just because it involves dogs who I want to hug.
And not just because it's written by a fabulous person I've known since pre-school.
It's because I get a monthly check from her mom to say nice things about her.

Oh wait, that's not even true. (Right, Stephanie? Subclause E? Party B must publicly deny any and all knowledge of payment and friendship contract with Party A?)

It's because I had Strawberry Shortcake sheets, too. Sheets that are probably still hanging around somewhere.

Fetch! Go get the treat: Stephanie Feldstein - Living With the Bull

Friday, February 23, 2007

Ew! Halley! Why do you have to tell me this?

Do you think dogs should be skinned alive for their fur to make people's clothes?

Neither do I.

Click here to read more/contact Congress/see some videos on it/etc.

We all live in a yellow submarine

In reviewing authors' statements for a project at my internship, a number of people have written on the isolation of the writing process, and that the grant makes them feel more connected to a community.

I am thankful that I feel none of that isolation. I love my program and the community it has created in which I am free to skip around and play.


Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Quote of the day

Overheard on a bus:

"It was about existentialism, but I just didn't care."

Tuesday, February 13, 2007


The government and its agencies in DC closed today at 2. That meant I left my internship at 2:00 today. That meant I walked back into Metro Center and the platforms were covered, four deep, with most of DC, all leaving the office at the same time. That meant I got home and put my pajamas back on, made some soup, and parked myself in front of the computer.

A nice day to be inside.

Friday, February 09, 2007

the description is put here for the memories it will provoke for my father upon reading the last line

What Kind of Reader Are You?
Your Result: Obsessive-Compulsive Bookworm

You're probably in the final stages of a Ph.D. or otherwise finding a way to make your living out of reading. You are one of the literati. Other people's grammatical mistakes make you insane.

What Kind of Reader Are You?
Create Your Own Quiz

Wednesday, February 07, 2007


riches –plural noun [rich-iz] : having so much to read around you that you know you could never finish it all